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用"handlung"造句"handlung"怎么读"handlung" in a sentence



  • Then , the author researches the relation between " alternative crime " and " fortgesetzte handlung "
  • By drawing on the experience of achievements in scientific research in civil law science , the thesis also makes a deeper study of rechtsgeschaft of administration , geschaftsahnliche handlung of administration , relakt of administration and their related issues
  • It is of great theoretical significance and practical value to classify administrative act into rechtsgeschaft of administration , geschaftsahnliche handlung of administration , relakt of administration according to legal effect and their way in which they produce
  • What needed by founding scientific systems of theories on administrative act and practicing of rule of law of administration and even practicing of rule of law is to make a deeper study of definition of administrative act and define its intension and extension according to principles and the needs of practice of rule of law , and in consideration of customs of chinese language and chinese legal culture and judicial system of organization , and also in application of logic analysis , historic analysis , prescriptive method , descriptive method , semantic analysis , case research and comparative research . through profound and scientific demonstration , the thesis defines administrative act as the act of administration organ , authorized organization and person by law , which have executive power factors , including rechtsgeschaft of administration , geschaftsahnliche handlung of administration , relakt of administration
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