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用"ilocos"造句"ilocos"怎么读"ilocos" in a sentence


  • 伊罗戈斯


  • In luzon can be found the banaue rice terraces in the north , a prehistoric engineering marvel considered the eighth wonder of the world as well as the centuries - old , spanish era houses and streets in vigan , ilocos sur which are both unesco world heritage protected sites
  • The island is connected by a network of modern roads and bridges that traverse cities like laoag in the north or naga in bicol region with their old churches and modern airports and hotels ; small towns like vigan in ilocos sur with horse - drawn carriages , antillan houses and internet facilities ; and rural villages with quaint inns and cellphone sites
    整个岛屿被现代化的网络连接着,现代化的道路和桥梁连接了诸如北部的laoag市或bicol地区的naga市的古老的教堂和现代的机场和旅店。如同ilocos sur省的小镇vigan市,街道上仍有马车奔跑,古老的木石房屋( antillan )与英特网共存;与乡村里奇特的旅店和移动电话站点共存。
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