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用"inchoateness"造句"inchoateness"怎么读"inchoateness" in a sentence


  • n. inchoate的变形


  • Also combining strategy management theory, this paper presents the analysis on both external environment ( including macroscopic environment, trade state, trade chance, challenges and prospect ) and internal conditions ( including resources, operation, competitive force ) on some qualitative and quantitative methods such as pest analysis, swot analysis, five-competitive force model, line chart model, value chain, etc . the conclusion is that external environment and the operative condition of donghua is well presently, it is competitive among competitors in this domestic field depending on its strong basement . but enterprise management upon the going one at the same time, there exists some defects such as the lack of market exploitation ability and human resource management, the jump to the track of information technology, the inchoateness of core competitive force, the lagging of financial management, the needing improve of enterprise culture and so on
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