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用"inconsistently"造句"inconsistently"怎么读"inconsistently" in a sentence"inconsistently"的同义词


  • 不一致地


  • He seemed surprised - very inconsistently so , as he had just told me to go
  • The scripts can construct the sip uris inconsistently even though the migration appears to succeed
    即使迁移成功,脚本构造的sip uri也可能不一致。
  • As with almost all cross - browser issues , these ready states are used somewhat inconsistently
  • He reflected hopefully and inconsistently , " alexandra isn ' t much like other womenfolks .
    他满怀希望而又惴惴不安地回答道, “亚历山德拉可不象其他的女人。 ”
  • Such litigants often face laws that are ambiguous , courts that rule inconsistently and patchy enforcement of rulings
  • As you might have guessed , i call this pattern the null flag bug pattern because it is caused by inconsistently using null pointers as flags for exceptional conditions
  • As milan and fiorentina are both weighed down by heavy points deductions and other teams are playing quite inconsistently , the biancocelesti really have got their best chance in years
  • Icons and other graphical elements sometime help you to understand the layout or flow of information , but sometimes they are used inconsistently , or are confusing , or are unnecessary or distracting decorations
  • The self - denying pair had been occupied in coaxing the appetites of some of their sick parishioners , whom they , somewhat inconsistently , tried to keep imprisoned in the flesh , their own appetites being quite forgotten
    囚禁在肉体的牢狱里keep imprisoned in the flesh ,意为活在世上。基督教要求人死后上天堂,以求灵魂的解脱,因此把肉体和现世看作牢狱。
  • These maps and patterns are available in the literature but , unfortunately , the literature abounds with diffraction patterns which are inconsistently indexed and with incorrectly indexed kikuchi maps which do not include the inversion between kikuchi map and the corresponding conventional stereograph
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • without showing consistency; "he acted inconsistently when he bought these stocks"

  • without showing consistency; "he acted inconsistently when he bought these stocks"

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