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用"ineffectively"造句"ineffectively"怎么读"ineffectively" in a sentence"ineffectively"的同义词


  • 无效地


  • So i ran up and wacked mobs ineffectively with my tree branch arms
  • It is the first machine that makes ozone and anion in one . generally , the purifier machine produces only anion fresh air that can kill the harmful germs and bacteria in the air ineffectively
  • Therefore a set of effective systems of legal liability , to great extent . determine the practical actualization of the law for anti - trust and assure the protection of the legal competition and prevention of monopoly by the government . otherwise , the law for anti - trust will be ineffectively in china
  • In domestic project management , the progress management is ineffectively for a long time , especially the information - based system construction aspect in progress management . the ning dian power engineering was put into production on 27th , dec . it was advanced twelve month . the key was using the p3 software to control the engineering ’ process during the construct period
    标志着我国电力装机容量突破5亿千瓦的宁电工程,于2005年12月27日正式投产发电,工期提前了12 . 5个月正式移交试生产,而应用p3有效控制工程进度是该重点工程提前并网投产的关键。
  • The paper gives the evidences for making use of auto - reclose technology in ineffectively grounded systems from its importance , feasibility and validity . to develop the single - chip microcomputer of the device , the paper does a lot of work of design hardware and software include using soft timer with task - plan solving the whole arrangement of the process
  • Article 29 where the customs , after accepting an application for recordation of an intellectual property right or for adopting protective measures for an intellectual property right , fails to discover the infringing goods or to adopt timely protective measures , or adopts protective measures ineffectively , due to the failure on the part of the holder of the intellectual property right to provide exact information , the holder of the intellectual property right shall take full responsibility for the consequences
  • Through comparative analysis , the author holds that , concerning schools " development of curriculum resources in manshuiwan town to support development of school curriculum , a variety of problems existing either on the aspects of attitudes and regulations and theories or on that of practice can be summed up in two points : one is that school and community are deficient in effective communication , thus making schools fail in full development and usage of curriculum resources in community ; the other one is that curriculum resources in community and school curriculum are short of effective integration , thus making schools ineffectively develop curriculum resources in community to support development of school curriculum
  • The devices for detecting phase - to - ground fault in ineffectively grounded systems are seldom functionary at present . based on thousands of experiments in high - voltage laboratory in north china electric power university , the reasons for misjudgment and the effective measures to avoid it are presented in this paper : to change pt connection form to prevent from ill - effects of ferro - resonant overvoltage ; to increase soft measures to resist against interference ; to adopt neural network method to obtain the virtual value of the detect way


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