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用"injudicious"造句"injudicious"怎么读"injudicious" in a sentence"injudicious"的同义词


  • adj.
    判断欠妥的,不明智的,不慎重的。 injudicious remarks 欠考虑的语言。
    -ly ,-ness n.


  • She had not the habit of taking injudicious risks in any market .
  • Atropine is a specific antidote for the cardiovascular collapse that may result from the injudicious administration of a choline ester .
  • Unfortunately , injudicious management of session state can cause serious performance problems
  • Then i put her through the following catechism : for a girl of twenty - two it was not injudicious
  • This might be caused by injudicious fluid administration after trying to correct intraoperative hypotension due to neurogenic shock
  • I felt it would be injudicious to confine her too much at first ; so , when i had talked to her a great deal , and got her to learn a little , and when the morning had advanced to noon , i allowed her to return to her nurse
  • My pupil was a lively child , who had been spoilt and indulged , and therefore was sometimes wayward ; but as she was committed entirely to my care , and no injudicious interference from any quarter ever thwarted my plans for her improvement , she soon forgot her little freaks , and became obedient and teachable
  • Management of n in agricultural ecosystem is one of the most essential factors for agricultural sustainability . injudicious use of nitrogen fertilizer has induced a crucial environmental problem , which includes volatilization of nox to the atmosphere , acid rain , induced leaching of soil nutrients , changes in the global n cycle , and nitrate pollution of groundwater
  • In the united slates , medical malpractice has been formally defined as : " bad , wrong , or injudicious treatment of a patient , professionally and in respect to the particular disease or injury , resulting in injury , unnecessary suffering , or death to the patient , and proceeding from ignorance , carelessness , want of proper professional skill , disregard of established rules or principles , neglect , or a malicious or criminal intent "
    相对于美国医疗事故而言,我国《医疗事故处理办法》 (以下简称《办法》 )和《卫生部关于医疗事故处理办法若干问题的说明》 (以下简称《说明》 )界定的医疗事故的范围要狭窄一些。从民事赔偿的角度出发,我国医疗事故应当包括因医方过错给患方导致了损害、依照民法原则可得到民事赔偿救济的所有医疗上的不利事件。


  • lacking or showing lack of judgment or discretion; unwise; "an injudicious measure"; "the result of an injudicious decision"


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