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用"intermediacy"造句"intermediacy"怎么读"intermediacy" in a sentence


  • 中间性


  • She stresses reason from different perspectives , among which " intermediacy " is a most important concept
  • Based on a good sense of truth , " intermediacy " represents dialectic thinking about reason and emotion , and highlights the significance of reason in writing , especially women ' s writing
  • The key condition of the implement of the finance crossed operation is the ability of dealing with the information by the finance intermediacy and the mr of finance crossed operation is equal to mc of transaction cost and information cost
  • Firstly , the crop - environment system was abstracted as many subsystems and physiological processes with object - oriented paradigm while many classes were established to simulate the behaviors of these subsystems and physiological processes . in vrgm , the document - view architecture in visual c + + was extended as model - document - view architecture for agricultural integrated system . in the model - document - view architecture , document gets the final simulation results by manipulating the models classes and acts as a communicating intermediacy between model and view
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