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  • An accident during tests of an anti - plasma artificial magnetic shield at japan s ground self defense force east fuji pratice range sends the 3rd special experimental company , under colonel matoba kaga takeshi , on a time - slip 460 years into the past , into the age of civil war
    战国自卫队改编自得奖作家福井晴敏畅销小说战国自卫队1549 ,讲述一队配备精锐武器的特种部队,因人工磁场武器实验失误,竟离奇蒸发近两年,原来已被意外转移至1549年的日本!
  • An accident during tests of an anti - plasma artificial magnetic shield at japan s ground self defense force east fuji pratice range sends the 3rd special experimental company , under colonel matoba kaga takeshi , on a time - slip 460 years into the past , into the age of civil war . at the same time an imaginary - number anomaly thought to be caused by interference from the past begins eroding the present , opening up widening time - space holes all over japan
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