
发音:   用"台上台下"造句
tai shang tai xia
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  1. The last item of the concert is " silver jubilee medley " , featuring a mix of different kinds of traditional chinese music from different stages in the growth of the hong kong chinese orchestra
    音乐会的压轴环节名为"银禧荟萃" ,曲目包括各个阶段的代表性乐曲片段,让台上台下重温25年来一起走过的日子,与港人互勉互励
  2. Imagining when ladies made their signature poses , some of poses were extremely feminine or a bit embarrassing ; then , it will be so funny and everyone will laugh to death when ceo has to pose it one more time
  3. The wonderful performances by the fellow practitioners won thunderous rounds of applause from the young people . as laughter reverberated throughout the venue , both performers and members of the audience melted as one in the ocean of master s love
  4. Disciples from the center held a performance after the group meditation to celebrate this holiday . the wonderful performances connected the performers with the audience . everyone , including disciples families , was affected by the cheerful , bright , and reassuring surroundings
  5. Through this interaction , the visitors developed a better understanding of the vital links between vegetarianism , humankind and nature . they also came to realize that through positive thinking and diligent spiritual practice one can expand the individual self to encompass the greater self , and as spiritual consciousness grows the body becomes healthier


  1. "台上模型布景"英文
  2. "台上盆"英文
  3. "台上平板"英文
  4. "台上书线"英文
  5. "台上摔跤"英文
  6. "台上握手,台下踢脚"英文
  7. "台上握手台下踢脚"英文
  8. "台上演出的"英文
  9. "台上一分钟,台下十年功"英文
  10. "台上造模法"英文


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