
发音:   用"齿轮齿形"造句
form of gear tooth
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  1. Employing abrasive machining for the form of the gear and intellective - control carburizing and quenching technology for the surface , the gear is with high intensity , strong tenacity and wearability
  2. Because of the randomness and fuzziness of the design parameters of double circular arc gears , considering randomness and fuzziness of restrict conditions and influence factors in double circular arc gears , adopting fuzzy optimum design method , a optimum mathematical model of the tooth profile parameters of double circular arc gears is established . some examples and their analysis results are also supplied to demonstrate the feasibility and practicability of fuzzy optimum design . compare with the common optimum design method it is an improvement and development


  1. "齿轮齿条式转向器"英文
  2. "齿轮齿条式转向装置"英文
  3. "齿轮齿隙"英文
  4. "齿轮齿隙侧向间隙游隙"英文
  5. "齿轮齿隙消除器"英文
  6. "齿轮齿形曲线"英文
  7. "齿轮齿游标卡尺"英文
  8. "齿轮虫"英文
  9. "齿轮传动"英文
  10. "齿轮传动背压式汽轮机"英文


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