12-hour clock中文什么意思

发音:   用"12-hour clock"造句
  • hour:    n. 1.小时,钟头。 2.时间,时 ...
  • clock:    n. 袜子跟部[侧面下方]的织绣花纹 ...
  • clock hour:    分钟的一堂课; 时钟小时
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  1. Represents the hour as a number from 1 through 12 , that is , the hour as represented by a 12 - hour clock that counts the whole hours since midnight or noon
    的小时数,该小时数表示自午夜(显示为12 )或中午(也显示为12 )后经过的整小时数。
  2. Represents the hour as a number from 01 through 12 , that is , the hour as represented by a 12 - hour clock that counts the whole hours since midnight or noon
    的小时数,该小时数表示自午夜(显示为12 )或中午(也显示为12 )后经过的整小时数。
  3. The invariant culture is based on the english culture , but there are some differences . for example , the invariant culture specifies a 24 - hour clock instead of a 12 - hour clock


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