be up to the standard中文什么意思

发音:   用"be up to the standard"造句
  • up:    adv. (superl. uppe ...
  • standard:    n. 1.标准,水准,规格,模范。 ...
  • not up to standard:    不够标准; 不合规格
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  1. And finished the test of capability may 2001 ; all the standards were up to the standard . this project was tested by foreign project , and we accumulated profound experience from it
    改造工程自2000年3月9日开工,于当年的9月3日开始调试运行, 2001年5月份性能测试结束,各项指标达到设计标准。
  2. In order to ensure that the concrete strength is up to the standard , it is important that all the sampling , delivering , testing and recording procedures conform to a prescribed system
  3. In order to ensure that the concrete strength is up to the standard , it is important that all the sampling , delivering , testing and recording procedures conform to a prescribed system
  4. Five stages independent drying system with constant temperature control , waste gas is up to the standard , the guide roll within the drying tank drivesin synchronous rotation , with independent motor , and synchronsion control
  5. People who have been engaged in teaching since january1st , 1994and chinese citizen who are up to the standard of qualification confirmation will get a teacher ' s qualification through the legal teacher ' s qualification confirmation process


  1. be up to sample 什么意思
  2. be up to some new tricks 什么意思
  3. be up to somebody 什么意思
  4. be up to someone 什么意思
  5. be up to the eyes in work 什么意思
  6. be up to trap 什么意思
  7. be upon 什么意思
  8. be upright 什么意思
  9. be upright and practice no deception 什么意思
  10. be upright by nature 什么意思


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