bone age中文什么意思

发音:   用"bone age"造句
  • bone:    n. 1.骨(头);骨状物〔象牙等〕 ...
  • age:    n. 1.年龄。 2.成年〔满廿一岁 ...
  • carpal bone age:    腕骨年龄
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  1. The system of bone age assessment without film is put forward under this background . this system is still based on the standard of estimating skeletal maturity for chinese ( method of chn scoring ) . it is a joint production of iatrology and technology of image processing , etc
    本文所述无胶片化骨龄评价系统的研制,就是在此背景下提出的。本系统仍以中国人骨成熟度评价标准( chn记分法)为依据,是医学以及图像处理等多种学科的交叉产物。
  2. In the research of pedology and physical training , bone age plays an important role . in the past , people who evaluate obtain with the aid of film image grade of bone score , then work out the bone age , which makes efficiency too low to satisfy the requirement of the handling of real time , and cause a large amount of the consuming
  3. Bone age plays an important role in the research of pedology and physical training . in the standard of estimating skeletal maturity for chinese ( method of chn scoring ) , people who evaluate abstain with the aid of x film imagegrade of bones score , then woke out the bone age . this have caused the shortcoming of the high costly and consuming long time , that unfavorable to the bone age assessment ' s popularization
    骨龄在在儿科学和体育科学等领域有着非常重要的作用。在中国人骨成熟度评价标准( chn积分法)中,需要借助于x光胶片来获得各骨的等级得分,然后计算骨龄。这样造成了费用高、耗时长的缺点,不利于骨龄评价的推广。


  1. a person''s age measured by matching their bone development (as shown by X rays) with bone development of an average person of known chronological age


Bone age is the degree of maturation of a child's bones. As a person grows from fetal life through childhood, puberty, and finishes growth as a young adult, the bones of the skeleton change in size and shape.


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