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  1. Mr fogg and his servant went ashore at aden to have the passport again visaed ; fix , unobserved , followed them
  2. We need 1500 mt / month oil well cement , if you are interested pls send us soft offer cif yemen / aden seaport
  3. It is thirteen hundred and ten miles from suez to aden , at the other end of the red sea , and she has to take in a fresh coal supply
    从苏伊士到红海的出口亚丁港,有一千三百一十海里,必须在这里加足燃料。 ”
  4. The capital and largest city of djibouti , in the southeast part of the country on an inlet of the gulf of aden . it was founded by the french in1888 . population , 120 , 000
    吉布提市吉布提最大的城市和首都,位于该国东南部的亚丁湾入口处, 1888年由法国人建城。人口120 , 000
  5. The following night they passed through the strait of bab - el - mandeb , which means in arabic the bridge of tears , and the next day they put in at steamer point , north - west of aden harbour , to take in coal
    这个名字,阿拉伯文的意思是“流泪之门” 。第二天是14号,蒙古号停泊在亚丁湾西北的汽船岬,因为要在那里加煤。


  1. ademption of a legacy 什么意思
  2. ademuz 什么意思
  3. ademuz rincon de 什么意思
  4. ademuz river 什么意思
  5. ademyr 什么意思
  6. aden abdullah osman daar 什么意思
  7. aden chronicle 什么意思
  8. aden fever 什么意思
  9. aden harb 什么意思
  10. aden harbour 什么意思


“现在几点了”不是 “What time is it now”! 一定要记住了!

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