
发音:   用"animadvert"造句
谴责,责备,苛责 (on, upon)。 animadvert on sb.'s shortcomings 揭人缺点[疮疤]。n.
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  1. During the new culture movement , chen advocated held the flag of science highly and animadverted chinese tradition , he criticized the boxer movement as a rebellion of mosstrooper and regarded it as the result of superstitions and religion
  2. However , the contrast between theory and reality compels or attracts scholars to interpret , argue , self - reflect , animadvert and amend it , then the convergence of economic growth gets deepened during the course
  3. Educational is a kind of education phenomena and society phenomena in order to buildup rationality of education practice ad promotes the development of education through apperceiving , unscrambling oppugning and animadverting the education pathology by educator and other peoples
  4. Bentham considers that the capacity of suffering as the key character of whether the creature should be taken into equal account as to the conclusion that mankind have direct duties to animals on the ground of utilitarianism ; peter singer ’ s animal liberation theory considers that animals should be taken into equal account of moral calculation because they can suffer according to the equal principle and utilitarian principle of utilitarianism ; tom regan ’ s animal rights theory substitutes subject - of - life for person of kant , animals are also the subject of life and have inherent value , so they have the equal rights of attaining respect ; mary warren ’ s weak animal rights theory amends the strong animal rights theory of tom regan ; gary l . francione ’ s animal rights theory animadverts on the utilitarian animal rights theory of bentham and peter singer


  1. express blame or censure or make a harshly critical remark
  2. express one''s opinion openly and without fear or hesitation; "John spoke up at the meeting"
    同义词:opine, speak up, speak out, sound off


  1. anima (jung) 什么意思
  2. anima aloes 什么意思
  3. anima and animus 什么意思
  4. anima video exhibition 什么意思
  5. animacy 什么意思
  6. animagi 什么意思
  7. animagus 什么意思
  8. animaisa 什么意思
  9. animaisiya 什么意思
  10. animal 什么意思


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