
发音:   用"caboodle"造句
〔美口〕群,团;捆,堆。 the whole (kit and) caboodle 全部,全体。
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  1. Frank , that man over there wants to buy everything we are selling in the yard sale . what do you think the whole kit and caboodle should go for
  2. The spring festival when one caboodle person goes my friend home make trouble , conflict produced during , either person sufferred the skin injury of different level
  3. If your budget can handle more than $ 20 , go wild and get the whole kilt - and - caboodle ( a nice kilt set will run you well over $ 600 )
    如果你的预算能够承受超过20美元的话,那就放开手买下所有的方格呢短裙吧(一套漂亮的苏格兰方格呢短裙会轻而易举地花掉你超过600美元。 )
  4. If your budget can handle more than $ 20 , go wild and get the whole kilt - and - caboodle ( a nice kilt set will run you well over $ 600 )
    如果你的预算能够承受超过20美元的话,那就放开手买下整套包括所有配饰的方格呢短裙吧(一套漂亮的苏格兰方格呢短裙会轻而易举地花掉你超过600美元。 )
  5. The homework of all of us is very busy now , the time that ought rest is occupied to learn completely , the work that piles caboodle is pressed we are suffocatively come , but if you ask us really : " you most what is those who want
    现在我们大家的功课都很忙,本该休息的时间全被占去学习,一堆堆的作业压得我们喘不过气来,但若你真的问我们: “你们最想要的是什么? ”


  1. any collection in its entirety; "she bought the whole caboodle"
    同义词:bunch, lot


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