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  1. The third part lays the basis for discussion of effect of restrictive indorsement after the analysis of effect of general indorsement
  2. The first part of this article discloses the features of indorsement through the analysis of the definition and nature of indorsement
  3. Instrument can negotiable among parties concerned through indorsement . as the times of indorsement increase , credit of negotiable instruments also accumulates so that commercial credit develops further
  4. This thesis divided into three chapters , they are : the advance of the problem of the negotiable instruments bearing forged indorsement , the legal analysis of the problem , and the discussion of legislation concerning the problem
  5. " excellent ; he presented himself this morning with a bond of 40 , 000 francs , payable at sight , on you , signed by busoni , and returned by you to me , with your indorsement - of course , i immediately counted him over the forty bank - notes .
    他今天早晨亲自拿来了一张四万法郎的支票,是布沙尼神甫开给您,经您签字以后转给我的。那是一张凭票即付的支票,我当即把四万法郎的钞票数给了他。 ”


  1. the act of endorsing; "a star athlete can make a lot of money from endorsements"
  2. a signature that validates something; "the cashier would not cash the check without an endorsement"
  3. formal and explicit approval; "a Democrat usually gets the union''s endorsement"
    同义词:sanction, countenance, endorsement, warrant, imprimatur
  4. a speech seconding a motion; "do I hear a second?"
    同义词:second, secondment, endorsement
  5. a promotional statement (as found on the dust jackets of books); "the author got all his friends to write blurbs for his book"
    同义词:endorsement, blurb


  1. indorse 什么意思
  2. indorsed bill 什么意思
  3. indorsed bond 什么意思
  4. indorsed note 什么意思
  5. indorsee 什么意思
  6. indorsement and delivery 什么意思
  7. indorsement blank 什么意思
  8. indorsement by mandate 什么意思
  9. indorsement in blank 什么意思
  10. indorsement in full 什么意思


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