1. 他这个人真不争气 This chap has let us down.
  2. 他这人好管闲事 He pokes his nose into every...
  3. 他这人很粘糊 He is very dull.
  4. 他这人很精博而不精 have wide but not expert kno...
  5. 他这人总能找到借口 He would invariably find som...
  6. 他这人靠得住 He is a man to be depended u...
  7. 他这几天脸色好 He looks well these days. fa...
  8. 他这学期的学习成绩夺得了满堂红 He has had all-round success...
  9. 他这张嘴可利害了 He has a sharp tongue.
  10. 他这才知道锻炼身体的好处 Only now does he see the goo...
  11. 他这样做可真缺德 It's wicked of him to act li...
  12. 他这样做太放肆了 It is too presumptuous of hi...
  13. 他这样做是出于嫉妒 He acted out from jealousy.
  14. 他这样的犯法行为极大地危及公共安全 Such offences as his profoun...
  15. 他这活儿做得真不含糊 He's really made a good job ...
  16. 他这活干得半半拉拉的 He left a lot of loose ends ...
  17. 他这种看法决不是凭空产生的 His view is by no means with...
  18. 他这话说得不圆 What he said was not very ta...
  19. 他这话说得很有分量 What he said should not be t...
  20. 他这话还有一层意思 What he said has further imp...
  21. 他这辆汽车买得便宜 He bought that car cheap.
  22. 他进入了首相任期的第二个年头 He entered on his second yea...
  23. 他进步如此大真不简单 It's remarkable he's made su...
  24. 他进步很快 He has made rapid progress.
  25. 他进食有度 He is temperate in food and ...
  26. 他违背父母的意愿与她结了婚 He married her,irrespective ...
  27. 他连任十年大使 He took up office as an amba...
  28. 他连半句话都不说 He wouldn't breathe a word.
  29. 他连忙去那儿 He went there promptly.
  30. 他连忙道歉 He hastened to apologize.
  31. 他连看都不看它一眼 He didn't even look at it.
  32. 他连续三次射中靶心 He hit three bull's eyes in ...
  33. 他送她一件漂亮的礼物 He gave her a beautiful pres...
  34. 他送礼很慷慨 He is lavish of his presents...
  35. 他适合担任此职务 He is fitted for the post.
  36. 他逃进森林 He fled into a forest. escap...
  37. 他逐字逐句地替我解释这项条例 He explains this regulation ...
  38. 他通三种语言 He knows three languages.
  39. 他通宵未眠 He was up all night. feign d...
  40. 他遇到困难和障碍很容易气馁 He is easily discouraged by ...
  41. 他遏制住怒火 He held his anger in check.
  42. 他遗下一妻二子 He left a wife and two child...
  43. 他那个人 that person
  44. 他那副样子好像见到鬼了 He looked as if he had seen ...
  45. 他那副给有钱人拍马屁的样子叫人恶心 His way of smarming up to th...
  46. 他那双巨手的手背上满是浓密的黑汗毛 The backs of his huge hands ...
  47. 他那手乒乓球可不含糊 He is a very good table-tenn...
  48. 他那时候太狂妄了 He went beyond the bounds of...
  49. 他那本大部头著作是由他以前写的那本小书扩充而成的 His big book is an expansion...
  50. 他那样做好像一个快要淹死的人拼命想捞救命稻草一样 He acted like a drowning man...

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