1. 他被敬若神明 He is worshipped as deity.
  2. 他被新来的厂长炒了鱿鱼 He was fired by the newly-ap...
  3. 他被树根绊了一下 He stumbled over the root of...
  4. 他被派驻到华盛顿 He was accredited at Washing...
  5. 他被流弹击伤 He was wounded by a stray bu...
  6. 他被流放到国外 He was exiled to a distant l...
  7. 他被激怒时样子真可怕 He is terrible when roused.
  8. 他被火车轧了 He was run over by a train. ...
  9. 他被称颂为佛罗伦萨画派的鼻祖 He was extolled as the found...
  10. 他被终身监禁 He was imprisoned for life.
  11. 他被荐举为校长候选人 He was proposed as a candida...
  12. 他被蜜蜂螫了 He was stung by a bee.
  13. 他被警察盯梢 He was shadowed by the polic...
  14. 他被调回原部门 He was recalled to the origi...
  15. 他被追认为中国共产党党员 He was posthumously accepted...
  16. 他被选入委员会 He was elected into the comm...
  17. 他被逼得走投无路 He was driven to the wall. e...
  18. 他被释放出狱 He was let out of prison.
  19. 他被雨淋得全身湿淋淋的 He was drenched through with...
  20. 他被雨淋得浑身湿透 He was drenched through with...
  21. 他被雨淋湿了 He got soaked in the rain.
  22. 他被雷声吓了一跳 He was scared by the thunder...
  23. 他被黄蜂叮了一下 He was stung by a wasp. say ...
  24. 他装老头儿 He acts as an old man in the...
  25. 他要一口把它吃掉 He wants to eat it up at a m...
  26. 他要你回去工作 He wants you back to work.
  27. 他要去森林中野餐 He wanted the picnic to be i...
  28. 他要同市长谈一谈 He wishes to talk to the may...
  29. 他要学世界语 He wants to learn Esperanto....
  30. 他要我们帮助他实施他们的计划 He asked us to assist him in...
  31. 他要来的事别传出去 Don't let it get out that he...
  32. 他要求他们停止在该岛上空飞行 He asked them to discontinue...
  33. 他要求做合法的继承人 He claims to be the rightful...
  34. 他要求士兵们向左看齐 He told the soldiers to dres...
  35. 他要访华的愿望终于实现了 His wish to visit China has ...
  36. 他见地狭隘 He is narrow in opinion.
  37. 他觉察到机器有了毛病了 He sensed that something was...
  38. 他觉得脑袋发蒙 He felt his head swimming.
  39. 他觉得这个计划不妥当 He felt the plan to be unwis...
  40. 他觑着眼睛仔细地看一幅画 He was studying a painting w...
  41. 他誓守秘密 He was pledged to secrecy.
  42. 他计算失误 He slipped up in his calcula...
  43. 他认为一切都是命中注定的 He thought that whatever hap...
  44. 他认为在餐馆洗盘子是下贱的工作 He felt it was a degrading j...
  45. 他认识你吗 Does he know you? you
  46. 他认输了 He admitted himself beaten.
  47. 他讨厌人家批评他 He hates criticism.
  48. 他讨饭 He begged for food.
  49. 他让她五个球 He conceded her five points.
  50. 他让我们领略了他的功夫 He gave us a taste of his sk...

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