1. 他策动了这次叛乱 He instigated the revolt. dr...
  2. 他筛了两下锣 He beats the gong twice.
  3. 他管帐很少出错 He seldom makes a mistake in...
  4. 他管总务 He is in charge of the gener...
  5. 他粗鲁地从我身边擦过 He brushed past me in a very...
  6. 他精于烹调 He is a good cook.
  7. 他精于雕刻 He is skilled in sculpture.
  8. 他精力过剩 He had an excess of energy.
  9. 他素日不爱说话 He is usually very quiet.
  10. 他素来不吸烟 He never smokes.
  11. 他素来守法 He always abides by the law.
  12. 他紧跟着我进来了 He came in hard on my heels.
  13. 他约定在剧院门口和我们碰头 He appointed to meet us at t...
  14. 他练长跑已经不少日子了 He has been doing long dista...
  15. 他终于开始明白了实情 The truth at last dawned on ...
  16. 他终于觉悟过来了 At last he saw the light.
  17. 他终于试验成功 Finally he succeeded in his ...
  18. 他终年 78岁. He died at the age of s...
  19. 他经不起开玩笑 He can't take a joke.
  20. 他经历过许许多多奇遇 He had a vast lot of adventu...
  21. 他经常上图书馆去 He often goes to the library...
  22. 他经常为儿童刊物写稿 He is a regular contributor ...
  23. 他经常通宵达旦地工作 He often works round the clo...
  24. 他经济受窘 He is embarrassed financiall...
  25. 他经过充分考虑后才接受了这个建议 He considered fully before a...
  26. 他经过针刺恢复了听力 He regained his hearing afte...
  27. 他结婚很晚 He married late in life.
  28. 他结巴得很厉害 He stammers badly. stammerer
  29. 他绕过拐弯处便不见了 He got round the corner out ...
  30. 他给一位抱孩子的妇女让座 He offered his seat to a wom...
  31. 他给一块石头绊倒 He stumbled over a stone.
  32. 他给了我一本书此物彼志 express one's intentions by ...
  33. 他给了我书面保证 He gave me assurance in blac...
  34. 他给儿子一些钱购买学校的课本 He gave his son some money f...
  35. 他给她送去了一束花 He sent her a bunch of flowe...
  36. 他给我们当翻译 He serves as an interpreter ...
  37. 他给我的印象很粗鲁 He impressed me as being ver...
  38. 他给我送了回礼 He sent me a return present.
  39. 他给汽车的电池充了电 He charged the battery of hi...
  40. 他给牛喂燕麦 He feeds oats to his cattle.
  41. 他给自己盛了一碗炖肉 He ladled a bowl of stew for...
  42. 他绝不至于撒谎 He is quite above telling a ...
  43. 他继任市长的职位 He succeeded to the mayoralt...
  44. 他绷着脸不说话 He kept a straight face and ...
  45. 他缓步牵着马遛着 He walked the horse at a slo...
  46. 他缺乏常识 He is devoid of common sense...
  47. 他缺乏礼貌 He is wanting in courtesy.
  48. 他缺乏能力 He is to seek in ability.
  49. 他网了许多蝴蝶 He netted a lot of butterfli...
  50. 他网球打得不怎么样 He plays tennis only so so.

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