1. 他的话靠不住 No reliance is to be placed ...
  2. 他的诺言不甚可靠 There is little reliance to ...
  3. 他的诺言是转瞬即逝的他说话从来不算话 His promises are written in ...
  4. 他的谈话令人鼓舞 His talk is inspiring. state...
  5. 他的谈话显示了很大的勇气 His conversation evinced gre...
  6. 他的谣言一下就被识破了 His story was seen through a...
  7. 他的财富成了祸根 His wealth proved a curse to...
  8. 他的货物全部赔本出售 All his goods sell at a loss...
  9. 他的足迹遍及山南海北 He has left his footprints a...
  10. 他的身体可娄啦 He is in poor health.
  11. 他的身体彻底垮了 He has completely broken dow...
  12. 他的这个问题起始于孩提时代 His problem began when he wa...
  13. 他的这种理论是站不住脚的 He hasn't a leg to stand for...
  14. 他的这项建议没有人理睬 The suggestion of his fell u...
  15. 他的违法行为被警察当局存案 His criminal act has been re...
  16. 他的逝世是国家的重大损失 His death is a great loss to...
  17. 他的遗体葬在墓地 His remains were interred in...
  18. 他的那种愚蠢行为将永远是他名誉上的污点 That foolish deed of his wil...
  19. 他的野心毫无止境 His ambition is unbounded.
  20. 他的野心没有得逞 His ambition was not satisfi...
  21. 他的钱包被掏了 He had his purse stolen by a...
  22. 他的错误情节严重 His error is of a serious na...
  23. 他的阅读面很广 His reading is of very wide ...
  24. 他的面容浮现在我面前 His image rose before me.
  25. 他的面容温和而慈祥 He possesses a mild and bene...
  26. 他的面色变得像死人一样苍白 He turned as pale as death.
  27. 他的预言果然应验了 His prophecy has now come tr...
  28. 他的预言证实了 Things turned out as he pred...
  29. 他的风度迷人 There is a charm about his m...
  30. 他的风格平淡无奇 His style lacks distinction.
  31. 他的风衣和你的一样 His wind-breaker is the same...
  32. 他的飞机在日内瓦停降加油 His plane stopped to refuel ...
  33. 他的鬼点子真多 He's full of bad ideas.
  34. 他的鼾声大得使我睡不着 His loud snore kept me awake...
  35. 他盘算着旅行费用 He caculated the cost of the...
  36. 他目不转睛地看着我 He looked at me with all his...
  37. 他目前下落不明 His present whereabouts is u...
  38. 他目前正修改他的文章初稿 He's now revising the first ...
  39. 他目前正在英国作短期访问 He is now on a brief visit t...
  40. 他直挺挺地跌倒在地上 He fell full length.
  41. 他直接前往纽约 He went straight to New York...
  42. 他相信他的冤屈会受到昭雪的 He felt confident that his i...
  43. 他省吃俭用地过日子 He led his life
  44. 他看上去像一个军人 He looks like a soldier.
  45. 他看上去很脏 He looks dirty.
  46. 他看中了这位姑娘 He took a fancy to the girl.
  47. 他看人很有眼力 He's good at sizing people u...
  48. 他看各种文化之间的相似点比看其相异点更为透彻 He has a better eye for simi...
  49. 他看穿了他们的企图 He penetrated their designs....
  50. 他看见尸体时惊恐万状 He was filled with astonishm...

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