1. 为某事与某人口角 wrangle sb. over sth.
  2. 为某事与某人拌嘴 wrangle with sb. over sth.
  3. 为某事付出极大代价 pay through the nose for sth...
  4. 为某事向某人请愿 petition sb. for sth.
  5. 为某事向某人道喜 congratulate sb. on sth.
  6. 为某人介绍工作 recommend sb. for a position
  7. 为某人作证 testify on behalf of sb.
  8. 为某人张目 build up sb.
  9. 为某人接种牛痘疫苗以防天花 vaccinate sb. for smallpox
  10. 为某人求情 intercede for sb.
  11. 为某人鼓掌 give sb. a big hand
  12. 为某杂志写稿 write for a magazine
  13. 为止 up to
  14. 为此 to this end
  15. 为此他们一直筹划到深夜 They planned for it till mid...
  16. 为此我不相信她 For that reason,I don't beli...
  17. 为此我们必须作出更大的努力 We must make greater efforts...
  18. 为死者举哀 go into mourning for the dec...
  19. 为死者的亡灵祈祷 pray for the souls of the de...
  20. 为民兴利 work for the welfare of the ...
  21. 为民喉舌 be a person who speaks for t...
  22. 为民平愤 redress the grievances of th...
  23. 为民族独立奋斗终生 struggle for national indepe...
  24. 为民服务 serve the people a member of...
  25. 为民而死 die for the people
  26. 为民请命 plead on behalf of the peopl...
  27. 为民造福 bring benefits to the people
  28. 为民除害 rid the people of a scourge
  29. 为法自毙 cut one's own throat
  30. 为渊驱鱼 drive the fish into deep wat...
  31. 为爱反害 kill with kindness
  32. 为生 make a living
  33. 为生活而写作 write for a living
  34. 为病所困 be afflicted with illness su...
  35. 为着 for
  36. 为着民族独立而斗争 fight for national independe...
  37. 为社会主义建设添砖加瓦 do one's bit to help build s...
  38. 为祖国流血牺牲 shed blood for one's country
  39. 为祖国而战 battle for our motherland sh...
  40. 为祖国赢得荣誉 win honour for one's country
  41. 为穷人建立救济基金 establish a relief fund for ...
  42. 为简略起见 for brevity's sake
  43. 为群众所欢迎 be welcomed by the masses
  44. 为胜利而欢呼 hail a victory
  45. 为能源短缺所困扰 be nagged by the shortage of...
  46. 为自己的不幸而哭泣 weep over one's misfortunes
  47. 为自己的命运而抗争 contend for one's fate
  48. 为自已受的冤屈向某人报仇 avenge one's wrongs on sb.
  49. 为船只装上雷达设备 provide a ship with radar eq...
  50. 为船只装配必需的设备 fit out a ship with necessar...

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