1. 他的热度退了吗 Has his temperature come dow...
  2. 他的热诚足以软化铁石心肠 His enthusiasm is enough to ...
  3. 他的爱是以情感而不是以情欲为其经纬的 His love had been woven of s...
  4. 他的父亲在那条铁路上有些股份 His father owns some stock i...
  5. 他的父亲是经营香蕉发财的 His father made a fortune ou...
  6. 他的父母要他去搞商业 His parents wanted him to go...
  7. 他的狗已中毒而死 His dog has been poisoned to...
  8. 他的狗已被毒死 His dog has been poisoned to...
  9. 他的狼子野心暴露无遗 His wild ambition was thorou...
  10. 他的理解能力极强 He has a mind of great capac...
  11. 他的生意兴旺 He has a thriving business.
  12. 他的生活方式与他的收入是相符的 His way of life conforms to ...
  13. 他的申请遭到拒绝 His application was denied.
  14. 他的病很严重 His illness was a severe one...
  15. 他的病很轻 His illness is not at all se...
  16. 他的病情因焦虑而加重 His illness was aggravated b...
  17. 他的病情急速恶化 His condition rapidly worsen...
  18. 他的病情有了转机 His illness took a favourabl...
  19. 他的病有了好转 His illness has taken a turn...
  20. 他的病见好了 He's on the mend.
  21. 他的病还有指望 There is still hope of his r...
  22. 他的目光犹如一道闪电 His eyes glared like lightni...
  23. 他的真诚更增加了故事的说服力 His sincerity added much mor...
  24. 他的眼晴近视 He is shortsighted.
  25. 他的眼睛凹下去了 His eyes have sunk in.
  26. 他的眼睛扫视了一下房间 His eyes ran down the room.
  27. 他的眼睛里露出了狂暴的神色 A wild look came into his ey...
  28. 他的眼窝发黑 There were dark circles bene...
  29. 他的知识和经验与日俱增 His knowledge and experience...
  30. 他的知识是长期求学的结果 His knowledge is the fruit o...
  31. 他的确没这么说 He really doesn't say so.
  32. 他的笑声感染了全班同学 She infected the whole class...
  33. 他的笑话有些牵强附会 His jokes were somewhat farf...
  34. 他的答复很活络 He gave an indefinite answer...
  35. 他的答复是含糊的 His answer was ambiguous.
  36. 他的答复非常暧昧 His reply was full of ambigu...
  37. 他的精力不减当年 He is as energetic as ever. ...
  38. 他的组织关系已经带来了 He has brought his membershi...
  39. 他的绘画现陈列在美术馆中 His pictures are on display ...
  40. 他的羊毛内衣总是使他发痒 His wool shirt always itches...
  41. 他的翻译通顺易懂 His interpretation is cohere...
  42. 他的职位升高了 He has been promoted.
  43. 他的职责沉重地压在他身上 His responsibilities press h...
  44. 他的肩膀被箭射中 He was shot in the shoulder ...
  45. 他的背上有一个蛇形的红斑 There was a red mark on his ...
  46. 他的能耐真不小 he has great ability.
  47. 他的脑子里总是想一些高不可攀的目标 He always has unattainable g...
  48. 他的脚麻木了 His foot has gone to sleep. ...
  49. 他的脸上流露出怒容 Anger showed in his face.
  50. 他的脸因发怒而抽搐 His face was convulsed with ...

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