1. 他的名誉受到损害 He suffered in his reputatio...
  2. 他的听觉已受到一定程度的损害 His hearing is somewhat impa...
  3. 他的呼吸迟缓而困难 His breathing is laboured.
  4. 他的品性和他的夫人相同 He is identical in character...
  5. 他的商业在战争期间蒙受重大损失 His business suffered greatl...
  6. 他的嗓子倒了 He has lost his voice. chang...
  7. 他的嘴很严 He is tight-mouthed. strict
  8. 他的嘴真贫 He is really too garrulous.
  9. 他的回答等于拒绝 His answer amounts to a refu...
  10. 他的声音慢慢低了下来 His voice trailed off.
  11. 他的外交工作资历很深 He has long credentials of d...
  12. 他的外衣上有些血斑 There is some caked blood on...
  13. 他的头发从正中向两边分开 His hair was parted exactly ...
  14. 他的头发扎煞着 His hair stood on end.
  15. 他的头开始秃了 He's getting bald.
  16. 他的头脑已不再能分清幻觉和现实 His mind could no longer dis...
  17. 他的女儿同一个教师订了婚 His daughter was betrothed t...
  18. 他的好光景日见衰败 His prosperity is on the dec...
  19. 他的好心却得到了恶报 His good intentions were rep...
  20. 他的妻子告诉他不要仓促行事 His wife told him not to go ...
  21. 他的字写得不成个儿 His handwriting lacks form.
  22. 他的字写得很规矩 His handwriting shows care a...
  23. 他的字真难认 His handwriting is barely le...
  24. 他的学说把许多人诱入歧途 His doctrines have seduced m...
  25. 他的家挨着公园 His house is close to the pa...
  26. 他的小女儿是他的掌上明珠 His youngest daughter is the...
  27. 他的小说仍在那儿连载 His novels are still seriali...
  28. 他的工作促进了微生物学这门科学 His work advanced the scienc...
  29. 他的工作博得广大群众的称许 His work won the praise of t...
  30. 他的工作是在新设计的汽车投入市场之前对它们进行检验 His work is to test out new ...
  31. 他的工作没有价值 His work has no value.
  32. 他的工资够养活三口人 His wages are adequate to su...
  33. 他的已故的祖母 his deceased grandmother
  34. 他的希望怕很难实现 I'm afraid his hope won't co...
  35. 他的年龄与你相差两岁 His age differs by two years...
  36. 他的幻想成了泡影 His illusion crumbled.
  37. 他的幻想破灭了 He was disillusioned.
  38. 他的建议听起来还不错 His proposal sounds good.
  39. 他的建议毫无价值 His suggestion is valueless.
  40. 他的建议看来似乎有道理 There is a show of reason in...
  41. 他的引退给董事会留下了一个空缺 His resignation left a vacan...
  42. 他的归期已定 The date of his return was s...
  43. 他的心在胸膛里激烈地跳动 His heart is beating violent...
  44. 他的心怦怦地跳 His heart went pit-a-pat.
  45. 他的心肠一定很硬 His heart must be very hard.
  46. 他的心脏停止了跳动 His heart stopped beating.
  47. 他的心里充满了爱怜 His heart swelled with pity....
  48. 他的态度毫无生硬之处 There's nothing at all stiff...
  49. 他的态度缓和下来了 His manner relaxed.
  50. 他的怒气平息了 His anger has cooled.

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