1. 腐泥 sapropel
  2. 腐烂 become putrid
  3. 腐烂不堪 utterly putrid -- spoilt
  4. 腐烂物 rot
  5. 腐烂病 rot
  6. 腐烂透顶 be rotten to the core
  7. 腐竹 dried bean milk cream in tig...
  8. 腐肉 slough
  9. 腐肠之药 rich foods
  10. 腐臭 decay
  11. 腐蚀 corrode
  12. 腐蚀到所需频率 etching to frequency
  13. 腐蚀干部 corrupt the cadres
  14. 腐蚀性 corrosivity
  15. 腐蚀机理 corrosion mechanism
  16. 腐蚀法 etch
  17. 腐蚀法印刷线路 etched wiring
  18. 腐蚀药 escharotica
  19. 腐解过程 decay process
  20. 腐败 rotten
  21. 腐败作用 putrefaction
  22. 腐败分子 corrupt element
  23. 腐败剂 putrefier
  24. 腐败堕落 become corrupt and degenerat...
  25. 腐败弧菌 vibrion septique
  26. 腐败无能 corrupt and incompetent
  27. 腐败杆菌 bacillus septicus
  28. 腐败梭菌 clostridium septicum
  29. 腐败毒 putromaine
  30. 腐败现象 corruption
  31. 腐败的行政管理 corrupt administration
  32. 腐败素 sepsin
  33. 腐败菌素 destruxin
  34. 腐败透顶 rotten to the core
  35. 腐败锥蝇 compsomyia macellaria
  36. 腐败风气 rottenness
  37. 腐鱼 putrid fish
  38. 腑会 influential point of fu-orga...
  39. 腑证 fu-organ syndrome
  40. dried bird's flesh dried mea...
  41. calf
  42. 腓尼基 Phoenicia
  43. 腓尼基人 Phoenician
  44. 腓尼基语 Phoenician
  45. 腓总神经 nervus peroneus communis
  46. 腓神经 nervus peronaeus
  47. 腓肠 calf
  48. 腓肠痉挛 systremma
  49. 腓肠神经 nervus suralis
  50. 腓肠肌 gastrocnemius

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