1. 悠着 take things easy
  2. 悠着点 ease off
  3. 悠荡 swing
  4. 悠谬 absurd
  5. 悠远 a long time ago
  6. 悠远的往事 events of the distant past f...
  7. 悠长 long
  8. 悠长的岁月 long years
  9. 悠长的汽笛声 the drawn-out sound of a sir...
  10. 悠闲 leisurely and carefree
  11. 悠闲的生活 life of leisure
  12. 悠闲自在 leisurely and carefree
  13. 悠闲逸乐 live in idleness
  14. sad
  15. 悢悢 distracted
  16. trouble
  17. 患中风 be seized with apoplexy
  18. 患处 affected part
  19. 患大病 suffer from a serious illnes...
  20. 患头痛 suffer from a headache
  21. 患得患失 worry about personal gains a...
  22. 患感冒 suffer from influenza
  23. 患慢性疾病 suffer from a chronic diseas...
  24. 患梅毒 contract syphilis
  25. 患然 Huan Ran
  26. 患病 suffer from an illness
  27. 患病率 morbidity
  28. 患者 patient
  29. 患肝炎 contract hepatitis
  30. 患胆石病 suffer from cholelithiasis
  31. 患胸腔疾病 suffer from disease in the c...
  32. 患至呼天 cry for heaven when calamity...
  33. 患难 trials and tribulations
  34. 患难与共 come together through thick ...
  35. 患难之中 be in sore distress
  36. 患难之交 companion in adversity
  37. 患难同舟 comrades in misfortune
  38. 患难弟兄 brothers in affliction
  39. 患难得救 be dragged in out of the rai...
  40. 患难相依 share one's hardships throug...
  41. 患难相助 help someone in distress
  42. 患难相处 have borne many troubles tog...
  43. 患难相弃 leave sb. in the lurch
  44. 患难见人心 Calamity is the touchstone o...
  45. 患难见弃 leave sb. to hold the bag
  46. 患难见真情 A friend in need is a friend...
  47. 患难踵接 Afflictions come in successi...
  48. happy
  49. 悦昕 Yue Xin
  50. 悦服 heartily admire

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