1. 恶战 hard fighting
  2. 恶战一场 go to fight like billy-o
  3. 恶报 retribution for evildoing
  4. 恶斗 ferocious battle
  5. 恶是善的反面 Evil is the inverse of good.
  6. 恶有恶报 Evil is rewarded with evil.
  7. 恶果 evil consequence
  8. 恶梦 nightmare
  9. 恶梦方醒 awoke from one's terrifying ...
  10. 恶棍 ruffian
  11. 恶模恶样 a ferocious appearance
  12. 恶毒 vicious
  13. 恶毒攻击 viciously attack
  14. 恶毒的心 an evil heart
  15. 恶毒的诋毁 wicked slander
  16. 恶毒的诬蔑 venomous slander
  17. 恶毒的语言 malicious remarks
  18. 恶毒透顶 is venom carried to the extr...
  19. 恶浊 foul
  20. 恶浊的空气 stagnant air
  21. 恶湿居下 A wicked and damp place stan...
  22. 恶犬 cur
  23. 恶狗 a ferocious dog
  24. 恶狠狠 fierce
  25. 恶狠狠地瞪了他一眼 give him a ferocious stare
  26. 恶疮 malignant sore
  27. 恶疾 foul disease
  28. 恶病 a malignant disease
  29. 恶病质 cachexia
  30. 恶癖 cacoёthes
  31. 恶相 evil or angry countenance
  32. 恶眉恶眼 a fierce look
  33. 恶眼相向 cast an evil eye on sb.
  34. 恶臭 stink
  35. 恶臭幻觉 kakosmia
  36. 恶臭旋复花 sinkwort
  37. 恶臭物 malodorant
  38. 恶臭物质 odorant
  39. 恶臭金盏草 fetidmarigold
  40. 恶苗病 bakanae disease
  41. 恶行 evil conduct
  42. 恶行会有恶报 Evil actions will bring retr...
  43. 恶衣恶食 poor clothing and poor food
  44. 恶言 abusive words
  45. 恶言伤人 use bad language to insult p...
  46. 恶言泼语 malicious remarks
  47. 恶言相向 fling out hard words
  48. 恶语中伤 viciously slander
  49. 恶象 rogue elephant
  50. 恶贯满盈 One's crimes are inexpiable.

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