1. 浓墨 thick,dark ink
  2. 浓墨重彩 thick and heavy in colours
  3. 浓妆 heavy makeup
  4. 浓妆淡抹总相宜 always charming with either ...
  5. 浓妆艳抹 put on gay clothing and powd...
  6. 浓妆艳服 make up one's face heavily a...
  7. 浓妆艳质 rich in colour and pretty ap...
  8. 浓密 dense
  9. 浓密常绿灌丛 machia
  10. 浓密的树叶覆盖着群山 Dark foliage clothes the hil...
  11. 浓密的森林 a dense forest
  12. 浓密相宜 proper distribution
  13. 浓密高层云 altostratus densus
  14. 浓度 potency
  15. 浓情蜜意 great tenderness between lov...
  16. 浓汤 pottage
  17. 浓烈的香味 strong fragrance
  18. 浓烟 dense smoke great
  19. 浓烟从燃烧的大楼里滚滚涌出 Smoke surged from the burnin...
  20. 浓烟滚滚 Dark smoke billows.
  21. 浓眉 heavy eyebrows
  22. 浓眉大眼 with big eyes and bushy eyeb...
  23. 浓眉深目 with bushy eyebrows and deep...
  24. 浓眉短髭 with bushy eyebrows and stub...
  25. 浓积云 cumulus congestus
  26. 浓绿 dark green
  27. 浓绿色 strong green
  28. 浓缩 concentrate
  29. 浓缩作用 inspissation
  30. 浓缩剂 concentrating agent
  31. 浓缩度 enrichment
  32. 浓缩果汁 syrup
  33. 浓缩汽油 enriched gas
  34. 浓缩物 distillate
  35. 浓缩铀 enriched uranium
  36. 浓缩铀反应堆 enriched uranium reactor
  37. 浓缩铀堆 enriched uranium reactor
  38. 浓缩食品 reserve ration
  39. 浓缩饲料 concentrated feed
  40. 浓艳 rich and gaudy
  41. 浓茶 strong tea
  42. 浓茶烈酒 strong tea and spirits
  43. 浓荫蔽空 The thick branches and leave...
  44. 浓词艳诗 exquisite poems and verses
  45. 浓郁 rich
  46. 浓郁的香味 rich fragrance
  47. 浓酸 concentrated acid
  48. 浓重 dense
  49. 浓雾 smog
  50. 浓雾包住了群山 The hills were enveloped in ...

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