1. 浮华的生活 a showy and luxurious life
  2. 浮华虚礼 empty show and pretentious c...
  3. 浮厝 place a coffin in a temporar...
  4. 浮吊 floating crane
  5. 浮名 empty reputation excessive
  6. 浮名薄利 look down fame and gain
  7. 浮名虚利 despise reputation
  8. 浮名虚誉 nominal
  9. 浮土 dust collected on furniture,...
  10. 浮土层 mantle rock
  11. 浮在水上的泡沫 bubbles swimming on the wate...
  12. 浮在表面 float on the surface
  13. 浮地址 floating address
  14. 浮坞 floating dock
  15. 浮垫 camel
  16. 浮夸 be boastful
  17. 浮夸作风 proneness to boasting and ex...
  18. 浮夸言论 bombast
  19. 浮夸风 "wind of boasting"
  20. 浮子 floater
  21. 浮家泛宅 a floating family and a drif...
  22. 浮尘 fly ash
  23. 浮尘子 leafhopper
  24. 浮尘测粒计 turpidometer
  25. 浮尸 dead body floating on river
  26. 浮屠 Buddha Buddhist monk pagoda
  27. 浮岛 floating island
  28. 浮心曲线 curve of flotation
  29. 浮心菜 floating heart
  30. 浮想 thoughts or recollections fl...
  31. 浮想联翩 Thoughts thronged one's mind...
  32. 浮报 give inflated figures in a r...
  33. 浮接 suspension joint
  34. 浮文 verbiage
  35. 浮文巧语 flowery and bombastic style ...
  36. 浮朗 Fu Lang
  37. 浮杆 rod-float
  38. 浮标 buoy or other marking at sea
  39. 浮标水道 buoyed channels
  40. 浮标测速法 Dutchman's log
  41. 浮标灯 floating lamp
  42. 浮标装置 buoyage
  43. 浮桥 pontoon bridge
  44. 浮桥墩 bateau
  45. 浮桥工 pontonier
  46. 浮桥浮船长度 bay
  47. 浮桥面板 chess
  48. 浮槎 floating raft
  49. 浮沉 now sink,now emerge
  50. 浮沉子 cartesian diver

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