1. 结肠系膜 mesocolon
  2. 结肠腹膜炎 exocolitis
  3. 结膜 conjunctiva
  4. 结膜切除术 logadectomy
  5. 结膜炎 conjunctivitis
  6. 结舌 ankyloglossia
  7. 结舌禁声 control one's tongue and kee...
  8. 结舌缄口 tongue-tied and mouth-sealed
  9. 结节 tubercle
  10. 结茧 cocooning
  11. 结草衔环 make a grass knot or champ a...
  12. 结荚 bear pods
  13. 结萌 Jie Meng
  14. 结蜡 paraffin precipitation
  15. 结论 conclusion conclusion
  16. 结论性证据 final evidence
  17. 结识 get acquainted with sb.
  18. 结识了许多朋友 have made a lot of friends
  19. 结转 carry-over
  20. 结转下期 balance carried forward
  21. 结转帐户 continuing account
  22. 结转库存量 carry-over stock
  23. 结集 concentrate
  24. 结集付印 compile a collection of writ...
  25. 结集军队 concentrate troops
  26. 结霜 frosting
  27. 结露水缘 jump over the broomstick
  28. 结驷连骑 a carriage drawn by four hor...
  29. bend a surname
  30. 绕全球不着陆飞行 a non-stop global flight
  31. 绕口令 tongue twister
  32. 绕嘴 not be smooth
  33. 绕圈子 circle
  34. 绕场一周 go round the stadium
  35. 绕弯儿 go for a stroll talk in a ro...
  36. 绕接 solderless wrapped connectio...
  37. 绕朝 Rao Chao
  38. 绕树三匝 circle a tree three times
  39. 绕校园一周 fetch a circuit of the campu...
  40. 绕梁之音 sounds that seem to be windi...
  41. 绕流 streaming
  42. 绕流区 periptery
  43. 绕流管 by-pass
  44. 绕焊 boxing
  45. 绕然 Rao Ran
  46. 绕线 coiling
  47. 绕线器 bobbin winoler
  48. 绕线座 bobbin winder base
  49. 绕线机 coiling machine
  50. 绕线柱 wrapping post

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