1. 给小费 give gratuities to sb.
  2. 给我一些其他的吧 Give me some others.
  3. 给我一瓣柑橘尝一尝 Give me a segment of a tange...
  4. 给我们的球队助威 cheer for our team
  5. 给我挑两个满蒲式耳 pick me two bushelful
  6. 给我称两公斤梨 I'd like two kilograms of pe...
  7. 给房间通气 air a room
  8. 给手绢儿缲边 hem a handkerchief
  9. 给打蒙了 be knocked senseless
  10. 给敌人一个严重的打击 give the enemy a hard blow
  11. 给敌人当头一棒 deal the enemy a head-on blo...
  12. 给敌人点利害 teach the enemy a lesson
  13. 给新生婴儿报户口 register the birth of a chil...
  14. 给方便 accommodate
  15. 给晚会增光 shed lustre on the evening p...
  16. 给有钱有势的人拍马屁 fawn on a rich or powerful p...
  17. 给机器上油 oil the machine
  18. 给机器加油 oil a machine fuel charging
  19. 给机器擦油 grease a machine
  20. 给某事蒙上阴影 throw a gloom over sth.
  21. 给某人 50
  22. 给某人三天假 grant sb. three days' leave
  23. 给某人以恩惠 do sb. a favour
  24. 给某人以极大的宽慰 profoundly console sb.
  25. 给某人加外号 fasten a nickname upon sb.
  26. 给某人带来不便 cause inconvenience to sb.
  27. 给某人撑腰打气 back sb. up
  28. 给某人的热情泼冷水 damp sb.'s ardour
  29. 给某人磕头 make a kowtow to sb.
  30. 给某人算命 tell a person his fortune
  31. 给某人纪律处分 take disciplinary measures a...
  32. 给某物定价 fix a price for sth.
  33. 给某物定价格 assign a price to sth.
  34. 给树苗编号 number the saplings
  35. 给桌布滚一个边 hem a tablecloth
  36. 给棉箱 feeding hopper
  37. 给棉花打杈 prune cotton plants
  38. 给植物或它的根培土 earth up a plant or its root...
  39. 给气球充气 blow air into a balloon
  40. 给水 feedwater
  41. 给水器 water feeder
  42. 给水泵 feed pump
  43. 给水站 water station
  44. 给水箱 water supply tank
  45. 给水箱上水 fill the tank with water
  46. 给水系统 water supply system
  47. 给水能力 capacity of water supply
  48. 给水装置 waterworks
  49. 给水量 confluent
  50. 给油灯加油 pour oil into a lamp

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