1. 衣物 clothing and other articles ...
  2. 衣物架 valet
  3. 衣着 clothing,headgear and footwe...
  4. 衣着不俗 in fashion
  5. 衣着俭朴 dress simply
  6. 衣着入时 quite in accord with the tim...
  7. 衣着华丽 be loudly dressed
  8. 衣着整洁 be neatly dressed
  9. 衣着朴素 simply dressed
  10. 衣着素雅 be tastefully dressed in a s...
  11. 衣着艳丽 in one's colourful dress
  12. 衣着讲究 turn oneself out smartly
  13. 衣着邋遢 be slovenly dressed
  14. 衣秀 Yi Xiu
  15. 衣箱 suitcase
  16. 衣纽 button bond
  17. 衣胞 afterbirth
  18. 衣若悬鹑 bedraggled dress like a begg...
  19. 衣蛾 clothes moth a surname
  20. 衣衫 clothes
  21. 衣衫褴褛 be dressed in rags
  22. 衣衾棺椁 burial gown,coverlet,coffin ...
  23. 衣袋 pocket
  24. 衣袖遮脸 hide one's face in one's sle...
  25. 衣被苍生 clothe and shelter the poor ...
  26. 衣裳 clothing
  27. 衣裳绽线了 The seam has split.
  28. 衣襟 the one or two pieces making...
  29. 衣钩 a coat hanger hook stroke in...
  30. 衣钵 a Buddhist monk's mantle and...
  31. 衣钵传人 one's mantle falls on sb.
  32. 衣钵相传 inherit the legacy of...
  33. 衣钵真传 be the keeper of true teachi...
  34. 衣锦夜行 parade with beautiful dress ...
  35. 衣锦尚絅 put on an outer garment on t...
  36. 衣锦昼行 parade with beautiful dress ...
  37. 衣锦荣归 return covered with honour t...
  38. 衣锦还乡 return to one's hometown in ...
  39. 衣领 collar of dress
  40. 衣食 food and clothing
  41. 衣食不周 cannot feed or clothe onesel...
  42. 衣食丰足 have plenty of food and clot...
  43. 衣食住行 clothing,food,shelter and tr...
  44. 衣食足而后知礼义 Wealth enables men to be cou...
  45. 衣香鬓影 perfumed clothes and gorgeou...
  46. 衣鱼 silverfish
  47. repair
  48. 补一补 have it repaired
  49. 补丁 patch
  50. 补三个空额 fill three vacancies

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