1. 预缴外汇 advance settlement of exchan...
  2. 预缴所得税 advance payment of income ta...
  3. 预考 preexamination
  4. 预致谢意 thank you in anticipation
  5. 预行 put in force beforehand
  6. 预见 predict
  7. 预言 prophesy
  8. 预言家 prophet
  9. 预言将有风暴 prophesy a storm prophecy
  10. 预言明天太阳将不会升起是荒唐可笑的 It is ridiculously absurd to...
  11. 预言明天太阳将不升起是荒唐可笑的 It is ridiculous to predict ...
  12. 预言结果还为时过早 It would be premature to for...
  13. 预言者 predictor
  14. 预警 early warning
  15. 预警雷达 early warning radar
  16. 预警飞机 early warning plane
  17. 预计 estimate
  18. 预计产量 estimated output
  19. 预计利润 anticipations of profit
  20. 预计到达时间 estimated time of arrival
  21. 预计成本 anticipated cost
  22. 预计执行数 the estimation of the actual...
  23. 预计数据 predicted data
  24. 预计误差 prediction error
  25. 预订 subscribe
  26. 预订一空 booked up
  27. 预订仓位 cargo reservation
  28. 预订到北京的直达车票 book a ticket through to Bei...
  29. 预订商品 place an order for goods
  30. 预订座席 seat reservation
  31. 预订房间 have a room reserved
  32. 预订旅馆 make reservation for hotel r...
  33. 预订机票 book an air ticket
  34. 预订杂志 subscribe to a magazine
  35. 预订车票 book tickets in advance
  36. 预订饭桌 reserve a table
  37. 预试 prerun
  38. 预谋 premeditate
  39. 预谋报复 deliberately plan a revenge
  40. 预谋杀人 premeditated murder
  41. 预谋毒害 premeditatively poison
  42. 预谋犯罪 calculated crime
  43. 预谋者 premeditator
  44. 预购 purchase in advance
  45. 预购合同 forward purchasing contract
  46. 预购定金 advance payments for future ...
  47. 预购某物 make the purchase for sth. i...
  48. 预赛 preliminary contest
  49. 预选赛 preliminaries
  50. 预选赛中保持不败 be under defeated in the pre...

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