1. 预闻 participate in sth. and be i...
  2. 预防 take precautions
  3. 预防事故 provide against accidents
  4. 预防医学 preventive medicine
  5. 预防措施 precautionary measure
  6. 预防犯罪 anticrime
  7. 预防疾病 prevent disease
  8. 预防疾病才是上策 The best way is to prevent d...
  9. 预防疾病蔓延 prevent a disease from sprea...
  10. 预防脑炎的草药在这一地区俯拾皆是 Herbs for the prevention of ...
  11. cranium
  12. 颅底 basis cranii
  13. 颅底骨 basion
  14. 颅检查术 cranioscopy
  15. 颅检查术专家 cranioscopist
  16. 颅盖 braincap
  17. 颅神经 cranial nerve
  18. 颅缝 sutura cranii
  19. 颅缝早闭 craniosynostosis
  20. 颅腔 cranial cavity
  21. 颅腔积气 pneumocrania
  22. 颅顶 calvarium
  23. 颅骨 harnpan
  24. 颅骨切开术 craniotomy
  25. 颅骨损伤 head injury
  26. 颅骨测量 craniometry
  27. 颅骨炎 cranitis
  28. 颅骨穿孔器 skull perforator
  29. 颅骨钻孔术 sphenotresia
  30. 颅骨顶 skullcap
  31. 颅骨骨折 effracture
  32. neck
  33. 领一个孩子来养 adopt and raise a child
  34. 领主 feudal lord
  35. 领事 consul
  36. 领事团 consular corps
  37. 领事处 consular section
  38. 领事委任书 certificate of appointment o...
  39. 领事执照 exequatur
  40. 领事条例 consular act
  41. 领事特权 consular privileges
  42. 领事签证 consular invoice
  43. 领事签证发票 consular invoice
  44. 领事签证手续费 consulage
  45. 领事签证费 consular fee
  46. 领事裁判官 judge consul
  47. 领事裁判权 consular jurisdiction
  48. 领事证书 exequatur
  49. 领事豁免权 consular immunity
  50. 领事费用 consulage

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