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  1. There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourts
  2. It was easy to take a few days ' holiday from my work at the lawcourts and with dr strong
  3. China revised the law of criminal procedure in 1996 , which processed a little big reformation to the original criminal procedure system by absorbing and borrowing some effective procedures of the law system of the great britain and the usa . on the aspect of criminal justice , the justice method is from the original way of interrogation that is dominated by judge , to the present counterplot system that is dominated by both accusing party and accused party on lawcourt . this kind of inquire method on the lawcourt shall be more beneficial to protect the right of accused party and has the promoting function to realize the fair of justice
    我国1996年修订的《刑事诉讼法》 ,对原来的刑事诉讼制度进行了较大的改革,在某些方面借鉴和吸收了英美法系国家有益的做法,表现在刑事审判方式上,就是从以前由法官主导的审问制向由控辩双方主导的对抗制进行转变,对抗制的庭审方式应该更加有利于保障被告人的诉讼权利,对实现司法公正起到促进作用。


  1. a tribunal that is presided over by a magistrate or by one or more judges who administer justice according to the laws
    同义词:court, court of law, court of justice


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