
发音:   用"measurand"造句
被测对象 被测量 被测数
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  1. Fundamentals of metrology - part 3 : evaluation of measurements of a single measurand , measurement uncertainty
  2. In industrial applications multiple sensors are used to measure similar quantities at different positions in a process for the purpose of getting more accurate description of the measurand
  3. The frequency characteristic test instrument based on the technologies of vi can print the plots of frequency characteristic of the measurand , also can give the approximate transfer function of the measurand
  4. The basic signals in the projectile test are dynamic signals such as high initial speed , high chamber pressure , high frequency response , high impact , high temperature measurand . so , the test and measurement system should have more channels , the signals are easy to be obtained , and no matter the measurand it is , the test and measurement plateau should be integrated instantly
  5. The importance of uncertainty application and the development of uncertainty were expound based on apply uncertainty on the field of quality control and quality management . stated the basic theory and method of uncertainty , set focus on the conceptions and the method that often be confused of complicated . researched the standards , specialty of electrical application quality test and took some typical parameter of electricity from industry practice for example , comprehended the measurement deeply , analyzed the sources of uncertainty from aspects of the equipment of measurement , the method of measurement , the environment of measurement , the person of measurement and the measurand , evaluated the uncertainty completely and correctly


  1. measurable variation 什么意思
  2. measurable)quantity 什么意思
  3. measurables 什么意思
  4. measurably 什么意思
  5. measurage 什么意思
  6. measurand transmitter 什么意思
  7. measurandmensurability 什么意思
  8. measuration 什么意思
  9. measure 什么意思
  10. measure against 什么意思


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