
发音:   用"rna干扰"造句
rna interference
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  1. The replication of the hepatitis b virus is blocked by the phenomenon of rna interference , which switches off the genes it needs for survival
  2. Objective : to establish a convenient . effective . low - cost method to synthesize small hairpin rna creating conditions for rna interference researches
    目的:建立简便、高效、低成本制备小片段发夹rna ( smallhalrpinrnashrna )的方法,为广泛开展rna干扰实验创造条件。
  3. The results of the study , published in the journal nature biotechnology , are so encouraging that the scientists are planning to begin the first human trials of rna interference on hepatitis b patients at the end of next year
  4. On the one hand , the theoretics of drug discovery become more comprehensive and more profound as the development of numerous new disciplines such as genomics , proteomics , transcriptomics , metabonomics , bioinformatics and system biology ; on the other hand , the pathways for new drug discovery are broadened by the continuous improvement of technological platforms including computer - aided drug design , high throughput screening , high content screening , biochip , transgenic and rnai technology
  5. Conclusions : the in - vitro method that partial double - strand dna with t7 wi l . - toi promoter sequence as template and synthesizing by t7 rna polymerase can product high yield , excellent purity shrna . lt is a convenient - , effective ^ low - cost method and fit for small rna synthesis and rna interference researches in ordinary laboratory


RNA干扰(RNA interference,缩写为RNAi)是指一种分子生物学上由双链RNA诱发的基因沉默现象,其机制是通过阻碍特定基因的翻译或转录来抑制基因表达。当细胞中导入与内源性mRNA编码区同源的双链RNA时,该mRNA发生降解而导致基因表达沉默 。与其它基因沉默现象不同的是,在植物和线虫中,RNAi具有传递性,可在细胞之间传播,此现象被称作系统性RNA干扰(systemic RNAi)


  1. "rna二级结构预测"英文
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  3. "rna封闭型病毒"英文
  4. "rna复制"英文
  5. "rna复制酶"英文
  6. "rna干扰信使核糖核酸的互补核糖核酸"英文
  7. "rna构成酶,核酶"英文
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