
发音:   用"面积量度"造句
measure area
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  1. Given that the housing , planning and lands bureau " hplb " advised in a paper provided to the panel on housing of this council in march this year that it would explore the feasibility of adopting the revised code of measurement of saleable area in the consent scheme , whether hplb has decided to revise the consent scheme ; if so , of the details of the main scope and provisions relating to consumer protection in the revised consent scheme , and whether the government has reviewed how such provisions can accord proper protection to consumers ; if a review has been conducted , of the results ; if not , the reasons for that


  1. "面积扩展的组合过滤器"英文
  2. "面积累进法"英文
  3. "面积利用系数"英文
  4. "面积利用因数"英文
  5. "面积力矩法"英文
  6. "面积量计"英文
  7. "面积龄"英文
  8. "面积令"英文
  9. "面积流量计"英文
  10. "面积流量仪"英文


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