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用"marita"造句"marita"怎么读"marita" in a sentence


  • 玛丽塔
  • 马里察
  • 马里塔
  • 马丽塔


  • Beloved daughter of james and marita , deceased
  • . . . beloved daughter of james and marita , deceased . .
    . . .詹姆斯与马瑞塔的爱女,已故的. .
  • He checked in on marita and katie , my mother , if they needed anything
  • Newspaper aftonbladet said on its website that marita larsson was walking around stockholm ' s old town in early march and took a photo of a swan on the river as a spring thaw melted the ice
  • It turned out that twins arthur and teodor aged five and their cousin jesper also five had not been playing with tat but with 1 200 - year - old viking treasure unearthed in the back garden . " after we checked on the internet we realised that it was not something from h and m " said marita kruze mother of the twins
  • It turned out that twins arthur and teodor , aged five , and their cousin jesper , also five , had not been playing with tat but with 1 , 200 - year - old viking treasure unearthed in the back garden . " after we checked on the internet , we realised that it was not something from h & m , " said marita kruze , mother of the twins


Marita is a female name, originating from Latin diminutive of Maria. Found in Nordic European countries and akin to names Marika, Marett
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