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用"matsuda"造句"matsuda"怎么读"matsuda" in a sentence


  • 茨田
  • 尽田
  • 松田
  • 望田


  • Matsuda ryuhei actor
  • Tsujihashi h , nakanishi a , matsuda h , et al . cell proliferation of human bladder tumors determined by brdurd and ki67 immunostaining . j urol , 1991 ; 145 : 846
    杨进益,章咏裳.膀胱移行细胞癌增殖细胞核抗原表达的研究.中华泌尿外科杂志, 1996 ; 17 : 219
  • As david matsuda tells it , he ' s probably the last person you ' d expect to see in a u . s . military uniform climbing out of an armored vehicle in iraq
  • Matsuda is part of the u . s . military " human terrain team " ( htt ) program , which embeds anthropologists with combat brigades in iraq and afghanistan in the hope of helping tactical commanders in the field understand local cultures
  • So the biomaterials which are used in treatment , particularly the materials which use for actifical machines are in the situation being used only , faring away from application . at the beginning of 1990s , several study groups include matsuda et . al firstly pointed out the surface modification of medical polymer , materials - photo - chemical immobilization , which was dramatically different from any other surface modification process available for medical materials
    在第一章中,首次采用光固定法将合成的温敏性能显著, nipaam与aa共聚物( pia , lcst为38 . 5 )的叠氮苯基衍生物( azphpia , lcst下降为21 . 5 )区域接枝到组织培养用聚苯乙烯( ps )膜上,制成具有区域温敏性能的温敏生物材料。


is a Japanese family name.
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