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  • 超小型无人飞行机
  • 公网音视频监控系统
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  • Notify me of updates to mav - 100ddemodulator
  • Microminiature metering discharge valve model mav - 10 mini auto valve
    超小型液体定量吐出阀迷你自动阀mav - 100
  • In fact , it is a positive monotonically increasing function of the quotient of mav divided by the variance of weights
    实际上, bam的抗噪声能力是mav和连接权方差之商的单增函数。
  • This algorithm uses the quotient as the fitness of each individual and employs pseudo - relaxation method to adjust individual solution when it does not satisfy constraining condition any more after genetic operation
  • In this paper micro aerial vehicles are introduced . on the base of the detail discussion of the applications of sensors and components of mav , several schemes of autonomous flight control system are presented
  • This paper uses above - mentioned methods to design double - wing mav aerodynamic shapes with normal and robust optimization . results shows robust optimization shapes lost some aerodynamic performance but become more steady
  • The research in this paper is granted by the item of national natural science foundation of china , the research of mav control base deformation of aerodynamic configuration ( no : 60175032 ) , it is the ground work of developing innovative control scheme
    本文的研究工作是在国家自然科学基金项目? ?基于气动外形变形的mav控制问题研究(编号为60175032 )的资助下开展的,是进行mav新颖控制方案研究的基础性工作。
  • As the project mav , siemens will help basf to minimize the total cost of ownership at the plant by managing the other automation and control vendors involved in the project to ensure the smooth integration of all components into the system
  • Mav represents a newly developing direction of aircraft , at home and broad , there are more than twenty kinds of mav in research , the configuration is many and varied , but the problem about which kind of configuration is fit for mav still have no conclusion being drew . what ' s more , the control technique is the most challenging issue of mav . because of the tiny volume and little mass of mav , the traditional controlling scheme has n ' t been so suitable
    微型飞行器(简称mav )是飞行器新兴的发展方向,国内外在研的mav有20多种,气动布局形式多种多样,但哪种气动布局最适合于hav还仍无定论,且控制问题是mav研究中最具有挑战性的关键技术问题,由于mav体积小、质量轻,传统的控制方案对于mav已不太适合,而基于mav气动外形形变的姿态控制方案是一种新颖的先进控制策略,可望填补mav控制问题研究领域的空白。
  • I know not what it was , but something shock d my mind at that thought , and i durst not speak the words : how canst thou be such a hypocrite , said i , even audibly to pretend to be thankful for a condition , which however thou mav st endeavour to be contented with , thou would st rather pray heartily to be deliver d from ; so i stopp d there : but though i could not say , i thank d god for being there ; yet i sincerely gave thanks to god for opening my eyes , by whatever afflicting providences , to see the former condition of my life , and to mourn for my wickedness , and repent
    你是在假装对自己的处境表示感激,因为你一面对目前的处境表示满足,一面却恨不得恳求上帝,把你从这里拯救出来。 "于是,我不再说话了。事实上,我虽然不能说我感谢上帝把我带到这儿来,但我还是要衷心感谢上帝,因为他用种种灾难折磨我,使我睁开眼睛,看清了我过去的生活,并为自己的罪恶而感到悲痛和后悔。
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