
drum 同义词

  • drumfish
    释义: 名词 small to medium-sized bottom-dwelling food and game fishes of shallow coastal and fresh waters that make a drumming noise

  • brake drum
    释义: 名词 a hollow cast-iron cylinder attached to the wheel that forms part of the brakes

  • membranophone, tympan
    释义: 名词 a musical percussion instrument; usually consists of a hollow cylinder with a membrane stretched across each end

  • metal drum
    释义: 名词 a cylindrical metal container used for shipping or storage of liquids

  • barrel
    释义: 名词 a bulging cylindrical shape; hollow with flat ends

  • beat, thrum
    释义: 动词 make a rhythmic sound; "Rain drummed against the windshield"; "The drums beat all night"


  1. drum 英文释义:small to medium-sized bottom-dwelling food and game fishes of shallow coastal and fresh waters that make a drumming noise
  2. drum 中文翻译n.1.鼓。2.鼓声,击鼓般的声音;麻?的叫声;〔古语〕鼓手。3.鼓状物;圆桶,汽油桶;【机械工程】滚筒,鼓轮;卷线轴;绕线架;【建筑】(作石柱用的)鼓形石块;(支持圆屋顶的)鼓形墙壁;【解剖学】鼓室;鼓膜;中耳;【动物;动物学】鼓形共鸣器;(自动步枪的)转盘弹匣。4.〔古语〕夜会;(午后)茶会。5.【动物;动物学】(发出鼓声的)石首鱼。短语和例子vt.(-mm-) 1. 咚咚地敲打,连打,打响。 2. 敲鼓奏(曲),敲出(曲调)。 3. 生硬地教给(学问)。 4. 〔美俚〕敲鼓招揽;鼓励,奖励。 drum a march 击鼓奏进行曲。 drum a rhythm for dancers 为跳舞的人击出鼓点。 drum one's fingers on the desk 用手指敲桌子。 drum sb. from his work 敲鼓把某人从工作岗位上召来。 drum sb. into action 鼓动某人行动。 drum Latin into a boy 硬叫孩子学拉丁文。vi.1.敲鼓,咚咚地敲。2.(鸟、昆虫振动翅膀等)发出嗡嗡声。3.奔走招募;鼓吹 (for)。短语和例子n.=drumlin.
  3. drum 日语翻译:doramu ドラム(1)〈楽〉鼓gǔ,大鼓dàgǔ.(2)〔たいこ状のもの〕鼓状物gǔzhuàngwù,圆筒yuántǒng.(3)〔ドラム缶〕铁桶tiětǒng,桶tǒng.$値段は1drumあたり500ドルです/一桶的价钱是五百美元.

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