
uphold 同义词

  • maintain
    释义: 动词 support against an opponent; "The appellate court upheld the verdict"

  • continue, carry on, bear on, preserve
    释义: 动词 keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last; "preserve the peace in the family"; "continue the family tradition"; "Carry on the old traditions"


  1. uphold 英文释义:stand up for; stick up for; of causes, principles, or ideals
  2. uphold 中文翻译vt.(upheld )1.抬高,举起。2.支持,支援;鼓励。3.赞同,拥护;【法律】确认,批准(判决等)。4.〔英国〕 = upholster. uphold justice 伸张正义。n.-er 抬高者,举起者;支持者;确认者。

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