


  1. The amylolytic process is used in the brewing of alcohol from grains.
  2. Amylolytic and proteolytic enzymes are the most abundant metabolites isolated.
  3. Since grains contain starches but little to no simple sugars, the sugar needed to produce alcohol is derived from starch via the amylolytic process.
  4. The most common organisms found in Jiuqu are the filamentous molds " Aspergillus oryzae " and " Rhizopus oryzae " and the amylolytic yeast " Saccharomycopsis fibuligera ".
  5. For example, the strain used to create the sweeter white miso would likely produce a higher content of amylolytic enzymes, while comparatively a soybean miso might have a higher content of proteolytic enzyme.
  6. It's difficult to find amylolytic in a sentence. 用amylolytic造句挺难的
  7. "A . oryzae " is an aerobic fungus and is the most active fermenting agents in Koji as it produces amylolytic, and proteolytic enzymes which are essential to creating the final miso product.
  8. Like other cassava alcoholic beverages, parakaria is made by dual fermenting cassava ( a large starchy root ), which involves the use of an amylolytic mold ( Rhizopus sp ., Mucoraceae, Zygomycota ) by chewing it.
  9. The enzymes used in the saccharification step are the amylolytic enzyme, beta-amylase ( usually derived from " Bacillus species " ) and the debranching enzyme, pullulanase ( derived from " Aerobacter species " ).
  10. Some of the earliest Sumerian writings contain references to beer; examples include a prayer to the goddess Ninkasi, known as " The Hymn to Ninkasi ", which served as both a prayer as well as a method of remembering the recipe for beer in a culture with few literate people, The Ebla tablets, discovered in 1974 in Ebla, Syria, show that beer was produced in the city in 2500 BC . A fermented beverage using rice and fruit was made in China around 7000 BC . Unlike sake, mould was not used to saccharify the rice ( amylolytic fermentation ); the rice was probably prepared for fermentation by mastication or malting.


  1. "amyloidosis of lung"造句
  2. "amyloidotic"造句
  3. "amyloids"造句
  4. "amylolepiota"造句
  5. "amylolysis"造句
  6. "amylolytic enzyme"造句
  7. "amylolytic enzymes"造句
  8. "amylolytic fermentation"造句
  9. "amylolytic process"造句
  10. "amylomaize"造句

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