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用"naryshkin"造句"naryshkin"怎么读"naryshkin" in a sentence


  • 纳雷什金


  • In the third group naryshkin was repeating the tale of the meeting of the austrian council of war , at which , in reply to the stupidity of the austrian general , suvorov crowed like a cock
  • The most distinguished of the elder members formed the centres of circles , which even strangers respectfully approached to listen to the words of well - known men . the larger groups were formed round count rostoptchin , valuev , and naryshkin
  • In the place of honour between two alexanders bekleshov and naryshkin this , too , was intentional , in allusion to the name of the tsar they put bagration : three hundred persons were ranged about the tables according to their rank and importance , those of greater consequence , nearer to the distinguished guestas naturally as water flows to find its own level . just before dinner , count ilya andreitch presented his son to the prince
  • They drank to the health of bekleshov , of naryshkin , of uvarov , of dolgorukov , of apraxin , of valuev , to the health of the stewards , to the health of the committee , to the health of all the club members , to the health of all the guests of the club , and finally and separately to the health of the organiser of the banquet , count ilya andreitch
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