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用"ovariole"造句"ovariole"怎么读"ovariole" in a sentence


  • 卵巢管


  • On the same ovariole , the development of egg chambers could be divided into three grades , namely , the 1st grade was yolkless , the 2nd was imcomplete with yolk protein , and the 3rd was full with yolk protein
    同一根卵巢管中的卵子可分为三级,即1级卵(无卵黄) 、 2级卵(含有部分卵黄)和3级卵(充满卵黄) 。
  • Egg chambers with the 1st grade appeared on the 11th day after parasitization ( the pupa was white , and its eyes were scarlet ) , egg chambers with the 2nd grade appeared on the 12th day after parasitization ad egg chambers with the 3rd grade occurred on the 1st day after emergence . feeding adults of this parasitoid with 20 % honey solution showed no marked effects on the ovarian development except significantly prolonging their life span ( most adults can survive for half a month and even to about a month ) . in contrast , feeding with nothing or only wa ter , the wasps only survived for four days . no difference in ovariole lengh of female adults was found among different feedig treatments
    卵巢管从寄生后第10天开始出现(此时,卵巢管是透明的,卵室尚未形成) , 1级卵从寄生后第11天开始出现, 2级卵从寄生后第12天开始出现, 3级卵从羽化后第一天开始出现;喂20蜂蜜水对卵巢发育有一定促进作用,能显著延长丽蝇蛹集金小蜂的寿命,不喂食或仅喂蒸馏水,其寿命仅4天,而喂食20蜂蜜水,从第11天开始出现死亡,大部分可存活15天,另有少部分生存达一个月之久。


An ovariole is one of the tubes of which the ovaries of most insects are composed. Typically an insect will have two ovaries.
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