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用"phra"造句"phra"怎么读"phra" in a sentence


  • 大城(阿育他亚)


  • Visit wat phra thad haripoonchai , one of the most magnificent and oldest temple in lampoon
  • Prince phra and prince sri were sent deportation by king suthat o rattanakasat
    传说,国皇suthat orattanakasat派遣他两名王子phra和sri学习冶国之道。
  • Chiang mai chief monk phra thep wisuthikhun said he had received complaints about " inappropriate behavior " at seven temples in the province
    清迈市高僧phra thep wisuthikhun说,清迈地区已有七所寺院因“不当行为”而遭到投诉。
  • The tour visit the most vital temples in chiang mai included wat chiang man , wat chedi luang , wat phra singh and drive around the old city to see city ' s moats and ruined city ' s walls
  • Prince phra and prince sri were sent deportation by king suthat o rattanakasat . on their way , prince phra was caught by a ugly female giant , who changed her image as a pretty girl and married prince phra . one day , prince phra found the fact about his wife , he decided to escape by the help of the beautiful mermaid . .
    放逐途中,两位王子经历重重困险,同时并救出三名魔法师,当其中一名魔法师用他的魔术笛展示法力时, phra却被一名丑陋的女巨人活活捉走,只因女巨人心爱phra ,为了更加接近他,女巨人化身成为美少女,迷惑phra与她结为夫妇,并为他诞下一名叫sinsamod的男婴,一个半人半巨人的怪婴。
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