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  • With over 4300 british - invested projects in china at the end of 2004 , the uk is the largest eu investor in china
  • Portuguese companies invested 300 . 6 million euros in european union member states in september , according to the official figures
    统计公报显示,葡公司九月份在欧盟成员国的投资为3 . 006亿欧元。
  • In doing so ireland was required to accept the supremacy of community law over irish law in areas of community competence
  • The code was extended to eu members ' dependencies , so it covered tax havens such as jersey , guernsey and cayman
  • But regardless of their number , suspended chapters can be reopened only with the unanimous approval of all eu members
  • The cost will rise from roughly 550 million euros today to over 800 million euros after enlargement . mep : member of the european parliament
    欧盟成员国增加之后,翻译费用将从现在的约5 . 5亿欧元上升到8亿多欧元。
  • Other documents which you should supply : a copy of the bio - page of your passport if you are an irish national or an eu national
  • Ireland is one of only two eu member states ( the other being denmark ) which places such employment restrictions on new arrivals
    爱尔兰是对新移民做出此类就业限制的仅有的两个欧盟成员国之一(另外一个是丹麦) 。
  • China accounted for half of the alerts issued by eu member states over dangerous consumer goods , a level that was too high , she said
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