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  • In the days before mechanization , the aboriginal people cut slabs of slate using large knives , then worked together to carry the extremely heavy , sharp - edged slabs up the mountains . there everyone pitched in to erect the dwellings
  • When i awoke , my heart was calm , but this revelation came to me : both tangibly and intangibly , master s mission is extremely difficult . we , her badly pampered children , can hardly realize the weight of the heavy cross resting on her shoulders
  • The feeling of being stuck with what , ironically , must be , for many , the most " valuable " asset held in their lifetime , at a value that is less than the amount of money borrowed to finance its purchase , is a heavy and depressing one
  • Li han - hsiang and king hu belonged to the same generation of filmmakers , and became buddies in the 1950s , when both were still down and out . they formed a brotherly alliance with other film veterans , feng yi , chiang kuang - chao , ma li , shen zhong , and sung chuen - sau , and called themselves the seven idlers
  • And no . 2 , if you bring all that garbage into the center , you damage the beauty of this holy place where people come expecting the best , the most uplifting blessing so that they can carry on with their duty , with their heavy laden burden when they go back home
  • The same luggage became heavier . even your feet became heavier , got swollen with this snow , soaking into your shoes . didn t matter what kind of shoes you had , the snow can managed to get in and soaked your feet . you know , like the way you soak bread in water , it becomes double the size
  • Previously , the sight of the cross would only bring to mind the crucifixion of jesus christ , leaving my heart heavy with grief and sorrow . however , master s design in this celestial jewelry ring is so full of love and blessing that it filled my heart with wordless emotion and gratitude . i seemed to have grown up a lot , and realized that what master has done all these years is entirely for us , her flock of homesick lambs
  • However , if we wish the end - result to be more than an ever - expanding curriculum spoon - feed to pupils , we must ask more of the government . to ensure that its education policy does not become an empty promise , the government must put forward an effective curriculum restructuring programme , provide relevant support for the schools , and conduct regular target reviews
  • Even your feet became heavier , got swollen with this snow , soaking into your shoes . didn t matter what kind of shoes you had , the snow can managed to get in and soaked your feet . you know , like the way you soak bread in water , it becomes double the size
  • The initiative was also a response to reduced faculty budget and the number of student places over the past five years , which had lead to a situation where a number of departments in the faculty had only 3 to 4 teachers . with a heavy administrative workload on top of their teaching and research commitments , this situation was untenable in the long run
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