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  • And when the other looked at him in much astonishment , he added , turning very red and fit to sink into the ground with embarrassment and conceit
  • Thy shy little pomegranate bud , blushing today behind her veil , will burst into a passionate flower tomorrow when i am away
  • Armand was blue in the face . he was raving and stammering disconnected words through which only the name of marguerite could be distinctly heard
  • And though sonya would never have ventured to say so , she knew it , and blushed scarlet every time dolohov made his appearance
  • I can sti ll feel myself standing on that case stage , blushing furiausly and gazing over t he footlights to see my father ' s grin as he applauded loudly
  • The emperor francis , a rosy , long - faced young man , sat excessively erect on his handsome sable horse , casting deliberate and anxious looks around him
  • Methinks i have seen just such figures , when the sun has been shining through a richly painted window , and tracing out the golden and crimson images across the floor
  • I can still feel myself standing on that stage , blushing furiously and gazing over the footlights to see my father ' s grin as he applauded loudly
  • The short , downy upper lip was continually flying down to meet the rosy , lower lip when necessary , and parting again in a smile of gleaming teeth and eyes
  • Her black hair lay in curls about her swollen and perspiring cheeks ; her rosy , charming little mouth , with the downy lip , was open , and she was smiling joyfully
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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